This is a dedicated episode to Jen Tringale, "an internationally known speaker, author, and strategist on awakening destiny." She was mentioned in my book review on Kent Philpott's "False Prophets Among Us: A Critical Analysis of the New Apostolic Reformation." I received an email request inquiring of her. This episode is a response to that request.  


Here is the aforementioned book review on Philpott: 

Here is the article from GotQuestions.Org (henceforth referred to as GQOrg) about God's being in control: 

Here is my post on why it is unbiblical to decree and declare: 

Here is the GQOrg article on the purpose of angels: 

Here is the episode showing the origin of Lou Engle's "The Call": 

This is the Justin Peters transcript I mentioned: 

Here is the Mike Winger video that exposes the "Mirror Bible": 

Here is the GQOrg article on the "Mirror Bible": 

Here is my movie review I did on "A Shack Of Lies": 

Here is both the Tim Challies article that refutes William Paul Young's "Lies We Believe About God" and the Fighting For The Faith episode that both discusses the Challies article and links Che Ahn with the New Apostolic Reformation: 

I mentioned an episode featuring lectures by Cairns and Charmley. Here it is: 

I never did read that section from my book review I mentioned on David Cloud (substituting instead Jude 1-11). Here is that book review: 

Did I forget any links? If so, please let me know. Thanks for listening and your patience!

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.