If you thought about doing your own tax business before and did not know how .. Now you know how!  This package is for the tax entrepreneur who, in addition, want to own your tax office, but you also desire to earn additional revenue, year-round, by generating prospects which become Tax Office Affiliates as well.  You set your own hours! You the boss!  You can work from home if you want too!


Tax Software for all 50 states and back tax years upon request for your Tax business

$500 Taxpayer Cash Advance, repaid through tax refund, at no cost to Taxpayer

Tax Preparation Training, one on our Private Label Professional Tax Software

Support 24/7 during Tax Preparation Season for your Tax Business

Print Checks and Deliver Debit Cards from your Tax Prep Business

All Potential people who are ready - CAll 707-278-Tax8 and leave your First & Last Name, email and phone number and say I am ready to for the next level. 

Feel like donating just because https://www.paypal.me/divasforhire