Previous Episode: Life Saving Tool

This story have greatly touched my heart.  I was listening when I head Arvin Poole speak from his heart about this organization that he started.  AS tears fell down his face Arvin Poole shared his story and why he has such a great interest in helping fathers an

Empowering fathers. Strengthening family.


Day With Daddy is a social online community that provides fathers with tools and resources necessary to plan and organize activities that are designed build stronger relationships with their children. website


Day With Daddy founded on Feb 19, 2012 and formed as a Texas not-for-profit organization February 13, 2013. We connect fathers who spend limited time with their children with resources   For contact  click here.


Day With Daddy is close to the Executive Director’s,Arvin Poole, heart and is his passion. As a divorced father, Arvin has learned first-hand that being a parent is a work in progress role that requires on the job training.Day With Daddy is a selfless purpose 

Written by Arvin Poole. Go to the site for read