As we wrap up this mini-series on mindset shifts during this Mental Health Awareness Month, Kimi talks through a topic she is very passionate about: you are what you eat, drink, and think. You have to make intentional and consistent decisions in these areas in order to take full advantage of the resiliency, mental clarity, and focus that help make you the best version of yourself. There are 5 specific categories of your life that Kimi recommends you focus on:

1. Exercising – It is a proven fact that people who exercise at least 2 hours per week have a higher rate of goal achievement because of their increased levels of mental clarity and self-awareness. Exercise does not have to be anything extreme, but just an activity that raises your heart rate: a YouTube workout video, gardening, yoga, and walking all qualify.

2. Eating Healthy – This goes hand-in-hand with exercising to get you moving in the right direction towards a healthy lifestyle. Recognize what works for you and how you need to plan ahead to make sure you are able to get nutrient-rich meals and not have to fall back on fast food in a pinch. Try to abide by the 80/20 rule of making good choices 80% of the time and splurging 20% of the time. Additionally, be conscious of your consumption of substances such as alcohol and tobacco and practice moderation.

3. Getting Enough Sleep – Consistently getting 6-8 hours of sleep every night reduces your risk of health problems and provides vast improvement in your mental clarity, productivity, and the quality of your work.

4. Managing Stress – Know your triggers and proactively set up safeguards to prevent stressful situations from getting to you but accept that you can’t avoid every stressor. Find a mindfulness practice such as meditation, exercising, cutting things out of your life, or unplugging that will help you cope with what is going on that you can’t control.

5. Positive Affirmations – Give yourself something positive to think about every day, whether it is something that you have done, something that you want to do, something that you are proud of, or just something to keep you moving forward and staying positive.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
• Mindset shifts
• Developing a healthy lifestyle
• Managing stress
• Positive affirmations
• Mental clarity and focus