Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability podcast is Bianca Jackson, LinkedIn guru and founder of Jax Digital, LLC. By being intentional with her digital brand, Bianca has found a sweet spot of telling relatable and encouraging stories from her everyday life and gaining credibility through this authenticity. She helps small businesses, job seekers, and freelancers seeking clients push past their frustrations associated with work to achieve their performance and success objectives. When it comes to social media, connecting with and commenting on the posts of people who inspire you will provide you not only with networking for your mutual benefit but with a platform to potentially help your acquaintances and clients with future job opportunities.

By being seen as an expert in your industry, you can build up a tribe of people who listen to what you have to say and want to be involved with whatever you put out there. Your expertise and authenticity in interactions will make all of the sales you need. Also be sure to listen more to your fans than your nay-sayers, because your fans will encourage you to do more of what you are good at. Specifically online, you can build up a following of people you have never even met, but who will contact you when they need your services because they know the quality of your work and your character.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
• Using LinkedIn for networking and storytelling
• How to be authentic on social media
• Using your platform responsibly
• What to pay attention to in your analytics and what to ignore