It is almost 2021, which means it is time to pick your word for the year. On this episode of The Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi explains the purpose behind choosing a word and gives listeners some simple and helpful tips for determining which word will be best for them. You want to choose a word that will inspire you, give you power, guide you, and give you a reference point throughout 2021’s ups and downs, so consider following these steps to figure out your word:

1.Reflect on 2020 – Think about what you were able to accomplish, what did not go as planned, the uncertainties you had to navigate, and the ways you had to be flexible.

2.Visualize 2021 – Think of what you need right now – what you need more of or less of. Ask yourself: Who do I want to be in a year? Where do I want to be in a year? Write your answers down and make your goals specific and realistic.

3.Brainstorm – Come up with a list of words that might work for you in 2021.

4.Pause, then pick – Take a few days to think over your list before you choose the one that you want to use to define the year.
Here is Kimi’s list of sample words: consistency, commitment, improve, plan, positivity, connect, alignment, priority, delegate, listen, speak, faith, pray, improve, present, mindful, respect, appreciate, family, love, learn, give, grow, glow, try, vulnerability, discipline, determination, today, less, more, be, passion, purpose, shift, patience, manifest, grounded, simplify, relax, delight, unlimited, fearless, grace, compromise, teach, elevate, devotion, inspire, bravery, free, service, stability, organization, direction, resilience, heal, forgive, peace, tenacity, shameless, bloom, balance, laugh, whole, journey, expansion, change, and finish.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Word for the year
•Word for 2021
•Power word