During the next few episodes of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi will be walking through her Resolutions to Results framework with one of her podcast mentees and former guests on the show, Tyran Cosby. Tyran is the co-founder of the Life Behind the Beard line of beard oil and personal grooming products and the host of the Beard Talk with a Vet podcast. On this episode, Kimi talks with Tyran about Step One of the framework and helps him drill down on his vision and goals.

Tyran says that after 20 years in active duty, the most important thing to him is being able to spend time with his family to make up for lost time, and that he also enjoys cooking and acting as well as pushing himself outside of his comfort zone by doing his podcast. These elements make up the vision planning aspect of the framework by helping him define what he wants to see in his life.

When it comes to goal clarity, Tyran has 3 main goals for the next 90 days: to podcast more, to increase sales, and to introduce a new product into the Life Behind the Beard inventory. Meanwhile, his personality often leads him to spending a lot of his time helping people, researching and learning on topics he is curious about, and being very involved in the lives of his kids. Kimi asked Tyran to pinpoint his motivations for each goal. The reason why he wants to podcast more is because he feels that he has a message to share to veterans and members of the military because he has been there and now he wants to provide what he can as an outreach. He wants to increase the sales of Life Behind the Beard so they will have the capital they need to expand their product offerings as well as their marketing efforts. And Tyran wants to add a new product to their inventory before the holidays because he genuinely believes that their products help people enhance their lives.

Come back next week for the continuation of this conversation, focusing on Step Two of the Resolutions to Results framework!

Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Resolutions to Results
•Vision planning
•Goal clarity
•Finding your “why”

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