Procrastination is the topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast. Especially for high-achievers, procrastination can either be a healthy thing or a barrier that keeps us from achieving our goals. Kimi breaks down the good, the bad, and the ugly of procrastination during this episode and provides listeners with some suggestions for moving forward in situations where we are prone to procrastinate.

The Good:
•Procrastination could allow more time for thought, giving you some time and space to process things before having to act
•Procrastination also allows for prioritization, letting you focus on the first things first and getting to everything else in the right time
•It may reduce your impulsivity or tendency to make bad rushed decisions
•If you are a person that works best under pressure, procrastination could be the tool you need to achieve your best work

The Bad:
•If you are not a person that works best under pressure, procrastinating could lead to worse performance
•Procrastination could cause you to lose some of the freshness and familiarity you had with the topic at first
•When you procrastinate, you are reducing the time you have to complete the task, and you could run out of adequate time, perhaps causing you to have to go back and redo something to get it right
•It could become frustrating for yourself or others if you continually put off a task that others are expecting from you

The Ugly:
•Procrastination could cause or worsen mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, reducing your overall wellbeing
•It could lower your self-esteem or your belief that you can complete the task
•You could start using your lower self-esteem as an excuse, creating a procrastination cycle
•Worst of all, procrastination could cause you to start projects that you never finish because you are so overwhelmed by the tasks you have piled up

In conclusion, while procrastination can be beneficial in some situations, habitual procrastination can lead to overwhelm and a snowballing of uncompleted tasks or goals. Know yourself and take the time you need while working towards your goals, but ask for help or accountability if you need an extra push.

Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Achieving your goals
•Avoiding habitual procrastination
•When procrastination can be helpful