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Better sleep is easy to achieve.  Whether we perceive that we are getting perfect sleep right now or not, there are simple things that we can do before bedtime that are guaranteed to communicate to your bodies that the time for rest is upon us.


This podcast episode attempts to provide a perspective to anyone asking these questions:

Advice for more sleep? Advice for sleeping through the night? Best tips for sleep? Better sleep hacks? Better sleep more productivity? How do I get more sleep? How do I have deeper sleep? How to sleep more? How to wake up refreshed? How to wake up with more energy? Techniques to sleep better? Techniques to sleep longer? Tips for better sleep? Why can't I sleep? Why can't I sleep through the night?


Getting better sleep is not complicated and not necessarily expensive.  We don't necessarily need to purchase highly technical equipment or upgrade our bedroom.  There are very easy things that we can do to work WITH our bodies natural functions that will make our night's rest deeper.


Idea #1: Eat dinner earlier.  


Your body needs sleep, so if you eat your food close to bedtime, your body will continue to digest the food and in essence not be as restful as it could be.  It is using and releasing energy into your system while the conscious you is attempting to allow the body to rest. There is a conflict here.


Idea #2: Take a cold shower.


Your skin is an organ, the largest organ in your body.  Coolness signals to this organ the signals that are associated with sleep.  Taking a cold shower sends this signal directly to the skin, which then reached the rest of your organs.  The rest of your organs hear this and attune to the vibration of rest. I had a client that was building an online business, and in her routine, she loved getting work done online at night.  Many of us love the late-night grind, and do not find it ideal to remove it from the routine. She added in a cold shower to her routine and saw immediate results in her energy the next morning.  Of course, we should be limiting our EMF exposure before and during sleep. But the cold shower really attunes the vibration away from those frequencies into sleep.


Idea #3: Remove the pillow.


You know that weird hump on the so many people upper backs?  That is not something that our ancestors had. 1 - they did not look down at a cell phone 5 hours a day and 2) they did not sleep with a pillow.  Both of these activities engage the upper back and neck muscles. Sleeping with a pillow assists in this engagement of these muscles, and promotes waking up with a sore neck.  Your spine is out of its natural alignment when you place a pillow underneath the head. But, I like to sleep on my side! Well, then you are not allowing half of your face to breath.  Just try it out for a week - sleeping on your back without a pillow - and judge the results for yourself.


Idea #4: Use your subconscious to assist you.


Tell your subconscious to support your restful night sleep.  Put on tones to assist your subconscious in this sleep.

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