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Whether you are a founder of a high growth startup, an HR pro for a large company, or a small business owner looking to slowly expand your team, there are some fundamentals to comprehend for recruiting and sustainable teams with low turnover.

Intentionality and transparency is the name of the game if you are asking yourself how to reduce employee turnover (especially millennial turnover), how to reduce recruiting costs?, or just looking for some strategies to reduce employee turnover. In solving high employee turnover solutions, you much understand the reasons for employee turnover. For how to reduce recruitment cost, the primary idea is to expand your thinking on traditional HR structure and empower your team to be the recruitment arm.

Viewing recruitment as an activity that happens outside of the operations of the business is duplicative and wasteful. Each business' best recruiters are the people that love their jobs. The manager’s job as it relates to recruitment and retention now has more to do with creating a place where people want to work and encouraging a culture where they share about it.


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