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Unboxing "foreplay" from the narrow sighted, outcome-oriented perspective into one of consistent showing up - for yourself and for your partner.


This podcast episode attempts to provide a perspective to anyone asking these questions:

How can I get better at foreplay? How to reconnect with your spouse emotionally? How to get my husband to emotionally connect with me? How to reconnect with your partner? What are relationship strengthening games? Feeling no emotional connection with husband? Feeling no emotional connection with wife? How to reconnect with your spouse sexually? How can I be more confident in bed? How to be more sexually intimate with your wife?


The masculine is many times represented by the straight line, getting from point A to Point B.  Both men and women have this within them. It is the part of us that wants to accomplish and wants to control.  Foreplay is not about doing something because you THINK your partner wants it in order that you get something that you THINK that you want, it is about romancing yourself.


Subscribe to my podcast - DYNAMIC with Ben Burke - on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or Spotify.


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