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Becoming present with family / friends happens when someone either comprehends the magnitude of the importance of this relative to their life from a macro view and / or experiences sustained joy and pleasure in their life from applying presence to their relationships with their loved ones.

Finding presence in the workplace is akin to asking yourself how to balance relationship and work. Traditional career and life advice aims to improve productivity at work and improve family relationships by focusing on external factors. Any of the following “how-to” ideas, perhaps including general conscious parenting advice, are all pathways that lead back to the self. Learning how to be a better dad or how to be a better mom contributes greatly to how to be a better manager and how to be a better leader at work. Asking how to have more time with my wife or how to have more time with my husband is really asking how to have more time for my family, and how to have a good work life balance.

The problem is that work life can be the overwhelming perspective. The achievement of things - the outputs of the processes - can be the focus, and when this is so strongly brought into your awareness, simply being simple becomes more foreign. The solution is to tie these things together and see them not as separate activities but as the same activity in different contexts.

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