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Expressing ourselves as fully as possible is a fundamental reason that we came here to this planet. Our ability to express ourselves comes THROUGH our personality that we have chosen. More fully embracing our personality - not hiding it or changing it - releases much trapped energy within us and allows us to feel more authentic emotions like joy and acceptance.


This podcast episode attempts to provide a perspective to anyone asking these questions:

Can I change my personality? Does my personality change? How to change my personality? How to stop being insecure? How to stop being insecure in a relationship? How to stop being overly-aggressive? What is my personality? Why do a personality assessment? Why do I have a bad attitude? Why do I have a personality? Why do I have a poor attitude?


The problem is essentially that we live in a world that - on its surface - does not appear to support authentic expression.  This illusion is SO STRONG we reinforce it by rewarding complicit and compliant behavior as well as ignoring or estranging behavior outside of what is considered the mainstream.  The systems of business, politics, and governance are set up in this way - contributing a society that is void of personality and individual expression relative to its potential.


This is changing, much assisted with the advent of the internet and social media, where people can be rewarded - socially or monetarily - for contributions outside of the norm.  This creator economy is allowing the vast majority of people the ability to create and share something of value with many other people. This is happening through the personalities of each person, and each person - as they begin to step more into BEING SEEN - is essentially forced to make a decision of how they would like to be seen, and therefore see themselves.  This is the personality, and the more authentic the personality is expressed, the more authentic the creation is.


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