Let's high five every couple that inspired us enough to record this episode! It has become a regular thing in our planning meetings to hear "But, I want to travel and see the world while we're still young."

If you've wrestled with how to disrupt traditional retirement planning and experience your dreams sooner, you're not alone. This conversation is to tell you that it is possible, and retirement today is dramatically changing. We want you to change how you think about retirement, and with that it may open up your eyes to how you can experience your dreams for your life sooner than you realize.

MOST IMPORTANTLY - This podcast exists so you see how recent financial news affects your life, your wallet and your future. If you heard something that made you think about your personal situation or were confused by something don’t stay that way— Click here and ask our team any question.

We would love to help you build a financial plan built for life based on your dreams for the future. It's what we do.

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