What In the Health Is Going On?  

Republicans have been laboring for reforms to health care since President Trump was elected, and have repeatedly failed -- often in dramatic fashion.

President Trump made two huge announcements to change the way healthcare looks moving forward. The government announced they are:


1. Opening More Healthcare Options for Individuals and Businesses.


2. Ending Subsidy Payments to Health Insurers.


**How Does This Impact You? **

The foundation of the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") is rooted in everyone "paying in" to keep costs manageable. Suddenly, the exit sign is on for the "healthy" to shop cheaper options, which means the price for the sick, or those with pre-existing conditions, may skyrocket. 

If you are young or healthy MAKE SURE YOU LOOK AT ALL YOUR OPTIONS. Costs will be higher through a traditional exchange, but there are some creative, competitive options we discuss on the show (Listen in at 15:20).

If you have a significant pre-existing condition, you should make plans to find the best coverage fit that suits your needs and matches your budget. I would love to talk with you about how to be prepared for pricing that will likely come in 2019 and beyond.

If none of this applies to you because you receive your insurance through your employer, don't tune out just yet! Make sure you know whether a traditional policy or a high deductible health plan is better for you; I discuss the primary differences in the last segment of the podcast. 

Listen to The Full Show:

Get the full picture on what these changes mean to you, your family and your wallet for the upcoming years. More healthcare reform may come, and we will be here to help you make the best decision for your life.


Key Quotes:

"Why is it that health insurance companies always come out immediately against any changes to Obamacare? Health insurance companies stocks have shot through the roof! They have destroyed the S&P 500."> "Costs have to go up and it falls on the folks paying premiums in the exchanges."

 > "Even if a creative option will save you money, it might be better for you to choose a traditional plan if you aren't willing to handle a little extra work."


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