Dr. Emily Shupert is a licensed professional counselor and founder of a boutique counseling and coaching company in Atlanta, Simplify Life Counseling + Coaching

In her practice, she works with high-level executives and professional women to grow, develop and accelerate as marketplace leaders.

Recently, she’s partnered with respected businessman and innovator, Anthony Flynn to write The Happiness Map. This book was written with the executive woman in mind, offering a personalized navigation tool to find happiness in life, now.


In this podcast interview, you will hear:

Emily's thoughts on how to become fearless in your work, relationships, and life.
A challenging conversation guiding you to introspectively look at your daily decisions.
A truthful look at failure and identifying barriers in your life.
Tips to overcome and jump from the point you're currently living to where you hope to be today and in the next 20 years.

Listen on the More Than Money Apple Podcast

P.S. When this intervi__ew is released Emily will be abroad with Global Health Outreach— serving the medical, dental, and spiritual needs of patients around the world. She's just completely amazing!!!

Interview Highlights

The KEY message everyone needs to hear  (Listen in at 12:57)

What parents need to own and how our childhood affects our current story (Listen in at 23:07)

The "U-shaped curve of happiness" and listening to your four F's  (Listen in at 31:55)

**How do you make proper decisions on the next steps in life rather than the current moment you're experiencing? ** (Listen in at 40:35)

Breaking the grass is greener myth   and living in a new reality (Listen in at 52:00)

Key Quotes
"My whole goal is prevention. before students go into the workforce, let's start identifying"


"Finding purpose in pain was one of the biggest motivators in my life not only to write the book but also going into counseling."


"The pain of remaining the same often doesn't outway the pain of change. if you can be comfortable enough to be okay, humans will tend to remain the same."
"What's next doesn't mean you sprint to the finish line, but being able to mark out a process often involves daily steps and decisions towards your destination."


"What would the 80-year-old version of me say to myself?"

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But Why Is This Interview On a Financial Advising Site?


We are financial planners. So, why is a financial advisor not only talking about my 401k, investments and retirement options? Great question.

While we are absolutely interested in the financial success of our clients and growing their wealth, we believe we have failed as an organization if we have not equally led them to a more fulfilled life.

A better quality of living is so much more than excess of wealth and it is so easy to feel stuck in our lives. Emily is an incredible voice for pursuing life satisfaction and overcoming boundaries in multiple aspects to experience your greatest joys.

We believe in "quality of life" and that growing your wealth for the only purposes of acquring more won't lead you to feeling fulfilled.

It is one of the greatest joys of our business to meet with clients, hear their dreams, and then see them live our a plan to achieve their goals.


We are More Than Money because we believe in you enjoying your life AND growing your wealth.

This interview hopefully reminds you to take small steps toward the life you want and money may be a part of that for you. In our opinion, money is a tool to reaching the future that you want, but a better quality of life for you, your family, and our community can't be fully measured by the size of your bank accounts.

We Love Having Meaningful Conversations

Think you would be a good fit for a More Than Money interview? Know someone who would have something to share?
Want to discuss your story and find a better quality of life in financial confidence?
Have something inspiring that is impacting others?

Let's talk. More Than Money exists for you and responds to all inquiries through our contact page.

Contact More Than Money 

Thank you so much for your time, Emily! It was truly a joy.