This mini-episode comes directly from a question sent to our teamand is part of the show's Lightning Round where we answer your questions.

Terry asks Chris about the value of long-term care insurance.  

What do you need to consider as you plan for retirement?


Over 90% of insurance companies have increased the costs of long-term care coverage. 


Listen in to hear how to better understand your costs & create a plan to protect your future

Chris helps Terry learn how to protect herself from the risk of needing long-term care coverage and what options she needs to consider. 

Listen on Apple itunes

The BIG Takeaway:

Trends show healthcare beginning to include long-term care coverage. Meaning you could be investing in something for years that may soon be given away - be careful.

Insurance companies saw this coming years ago and created a great solution to look into.


The right life insurance policy can provide you with a fixed cost and carry all the provisions for long-term care, but with added flexibility.


The most important thing is choosing the best life insurance policy to fit your needs.

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