Well, we put it off as long as we could, but we finally got around to this one.
We aren't proud of the need for this episode, because it hits a little too close to home. But it's time to confess. We are genetically-cursed procrastinators.
This episode was recorded on a Monday morning. Mathew spent Sunday afternoon strolling through the DC cherry blossoms with his wife. He could enjoy this spontaneous activity because all his work was done and he could freely enjoy the beautiful afternoon. Meanwhile, Steve was catching a nap under his desk while stressing about the message he had to write for that evening's youth group. 
That, our friends, is what procrastination (and beating procrastination) look like!
The truth is, we have a long way to go in mastering procrastination. Mathew has made some progress; Steve not so much. We both realize much of what causes it, and what the costs are. Whether it's misplaced priorities, distractions, laziness or perfectionism, we both seem find ourselves all too often getting stuff done at the last minute. Procrastination costs us stress. It costs us excellence. And it costs those around us. It's probably true that it has cost the youth ministry world a lot of respect and legitimacy, because it seems to be common among our tribe.
We waited until episode 52 to talk about it, but we couldn't put it off any longer. Hopefully, it's not too late to help each other get better!
Episode 52 -- Procrastination (Part 1)
Also Mentioned in Today's Episode:Business guru Seth Godin has a great podcast you should check out:Seth Godin
It's only a month or so until the Youth Leader Summit! May 22-24 at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference. You can register here:Youth Leaders Summit
You can catch up on our Sherpa Shorts here:Sherpa Shorts