We all have things we want to accomplish in life. Mathew wants to climb Half Dome in Yosemite (he's planning to do so in a few months). Steve wants to write a book and break 90 in golf (not sure which one is more likely). We were also thinking of starting a shockingly successful and entertaining podcast. Still working on that one.
What about ambition in youth ministry? Have you ever wanted to lead a bigger group, have a bigger platform, or receive more validation? We have, and we're ready to admit it. Mathew once turned down an offer to leave his small church in Wisconsin and lead a ministry of 250 students in Southern California, a decision his first (and still only) wife wasn't always so keen on. Steve wonders what he would have done if his youth ministry had never been able to move out of the high school of the church's infancy and into its own space. 
In this episode--one of the Youth Ministry Sherpa's most honest and vulnerable yet--Steve and Mathew discuss the place of ambition in youth ministry. What do we do with the ambitions that rise within us, drive us to do our best, cause us to seek affirmation, and push us forward spiritually and professionally? What do we do when our voice isn't being heard, or when we feel we have something to contribute that isn't appreciated? How do we know when ambition is selfish or premature? And ultimately, what role does our own ambition play in keeping us in youth ministry for the long haul?
Our ambition is that this episode blesses everyone who listens to it.
Enjoy Episode 18: Ambition!