Oh. My. Goodness.
We are amazed. Humbled. Honored. Starstruck. Gobsmacked. Pumped!
We are now part of the Download Youth Ministry Podcast Network!
Who are we? We are Steve and Mathew, two veteran youth workers from Maryland from neighboring churches who are great friends with nearly 60 years of youth ministry experience between us. Two years ago, we started the Youth Ministry Sherpas Podcast—Sherpas being those hardy Tibetan souls who help climbers make it to the summit of Everest and other mountains. Our mission was to “Help Youth Workers to Keep Going” so they can discover the blessings that come with longevity.
Since then, we’ve recorded 75 regular shows, 52 “Sherpa Shorts,” and a bunch of interviews with the “Legends” of youth ministry. We can’t believe we get to do this!
And now we can’t believe we get to be part of DYM -- the greatest network since ESPN!
In Episode 75, we celebrate this amazing honor and tell our new listeners a little bit about ourselves.
This just might help US to keep going! Thank you for listening!