It's the final live DwarfCast of the series, and this very special occasion is marked with an almost full set of G&Ters gathering in the same room at the same time. John Hoare, Tanya Jones, Danny Stephenson and Ian Symes, along with returning guest star Jo Sharples of the Red Dwarf Fan Club, came armed a whole heap of opinions on the series finale, and a few surprises up our sleeves, the most exciting of which is an exclusive interview with... Mac McDonald! So join us to discuss all things Skipper, including giant rats, disembodied heads, bicycle gags, back references, star knots, escape pod windows, the returning Holly, the non-returning Holly and Captain Hollister's gruesome death. Plus, we look back on the series as a whole, look forward to the forthcoming DVD/Bluray release, and say Ed Bye in the only way we know how, by finishing on a song.