Since we were a week late with the last DwarfCast, we thought we'd give you another this week in an attempt to a) punish you and b) to detract away from the fact we're not publishing a proper article on something interesting this weekend. And here it is, an episode from the ever-excellent series V gets the DwarfCasts commentary treatment, namely The Inquisitor. In attendance are Ian, Seb and myself (you'll start to notice that there's a pattern to this - i.e. I'm in every single one of the fuckers). With regards to the odd Craig Charles comment, this commentary was recorded a good while ago (pre-DJ) and Craig was very much still on our minds in quite an unfavourable way, thus you're bound to hear the odd dig here and there regarding crack and what not. It's worth mentioning that we're all delighted that Craig's back on track and even more delighted at how he conducted himself at DJ so some of our comments are bound to be a little... dated.