"Nic Farey is why we have to take off our shoes in airports"

Even by the standards of the Red Dwarf DVDs, the series VI release was special and probably represents the arguable pinnacle of the original set of releases. As such, Cappsy, Danny and Ian had a marvellous time reliving an absolutely packed release of musical insight, more SFX behind the scenes goodies, plus a very amusing and previously unknown tale regarding Craig and horses!

Show notes

Ian's review
Cappsy's review
Sonic The Hedgehog music theory
Howard Goodall: How Music Works
Howard's 30th anniversary song
Laredo's website, with lots of up-to-date pictures and links to things that have been filmed there
Lionel Blair rides bareback before facing down a load of cowboys wanting to unload on him.
Bee Gees vs Chaka Khan