Rejoice, for one of the most sporadic Podcasts on the Internet is back... FOR NOW. Bit of an odd one, this. Seb was off visiting mawkishness' Liverpool, Tanya had long decided the best course of action was to sleep like a proper human being and so Ian, John and myself launched head first into a couple of commentaries of our own, this being the last of the night. As a result, things were said under the cloud of booze and the following disclaimers need to be made: Craig Charles no longer smokes crack and we've long since let the issue lie. This was recorded in 2006 and towards the end of the ‘cast things do get a little... excessive on the Crack Joke front. The test card music you'll hear towards the end is covering something we really don't want heard. We're sorry about that. Finally, we apologise for the copious amounts of laughter relating the aforementioned censored section at the end. I still have awful memories of RTD, Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson laughing their stupid, smug faces off for literally minutes at some in-joke during one Doctor Who commentary and wanting to destroy them all. I am now no better than they. So, yeah, sorry about all that. However, in the main we think this is a pretty good commentary and worth publishing at least for the first 20 or so minutes alone. Enjoy, anyway!