I know we said we'd be back soon but just count yourself lucky we only made you wait an extra week and not almost 40 years. As we get very close to finishing Better Than Life, join the pale, waxy figures of Cappsy, Danny and Ian as they enter The Book Club Time and are after feasting on Part Three: Garbage World. What are the long term narrative implications of Garbage World? Is Polymorph a show to book conversion too far? What could possibly be next for the poor giraffe? For those of you not of a nervous disposition, listen on and find out.

Show notes

Danny's ancient Garbage World wallpaper
Elaine by J. D. Salinger
Spaghettification, which is apparently a real thing
Those logos are in the nip! - Parts one and two. Featuring the Office of Government Commerce, London 2012 and Ressie 6
The suiteness is her weakness: the woman who's addicted to eating sofas