After a bit of a rest we're back with another commentary, continuing to mercilessly cleave through the the Dave era. Next on our hit list is Officer Rimmer, and whether or not we can get over the fact that it ended way too abruptly and actually talk about the episode itself is something you will have to discover yourself by listening, but what I will tell you that our commentary is followed by another edition of Waffle Men in which we delve into the history of telethons and logos.

Show notes

Cappsy's Red Dwarf XI: The Game - Officer Rimmer Playthrough.
The trolley problem.
The Blue Midget Children in Need sketch is the available on the VIII DVD. It's out now!
Comic Relief - Bohemian Rhapsody.
The Comic Relief "give us your smegging money you smegging smeg heads" bit is on the IV DVD and definitely nowhere else.
Amnesty International's Big 30 Message
Andy Spence and his large portfolio