It's 10pm, polls are closing across the country and G&T are now projecting that the next DwarfCast will be... Mechocracy! And in the tradition of all good election coverage, we will now force you to listen to some terrible people talk about the results for longer than is strictly necessary, specifically the Right Honourable Cunts of the Scottish NatIanal, Liberal Dannycrats and The Labour & Cappsoperative parties.

Show notes

Cappsy meant to say "The Next Doctor" instead of "The Two Doctors", the big idiot
"Previously on The West Wing" music
Post-Series III Hilly in the Smegazine
We mention a Seb Patrick fancast article for a series 2 of the Hitchhiker's TV series, but it seems like it was sadly never published so we're probably remembering one boozy weekend in West London with him excitedly pitching it to us.