Over Ganymede & Titan's long and illustrious life we have seen many milestones. 3 years long service. 6 years long service. 9 years long service. 12 years long service. 15 years long service... 18 years long service. But today we mark the day we officially commentate on the last truly shit episode of Red Dwarf (so far). Its loomed large over us for months as we approached but three heroes have arrived and slew the great beast, probably with some amusingly juxtapositioned song playing in the background.

So now, we present to you the defeated corpse... of Timewave.

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Article about Helium-3 Extraction on the moon
"I think it's a superfruit"
Niki Hutchinson's tweet about the police uniforms
There's never been a better time to buy a woollen penis
The Red Dwarf Plot Inconsistencies Project

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