In accordance with the Seventh Law of Schurfjhsdkjhsvmsdjksbvbmmmmm and of course staying within the restrictions laid out by the Turlslkdfcnekelhhffkghffgfkkfkkkkfkfkkfkfkkff Code, the DwarfCast Book Club returns as we decapitate Doug Naylor's Last Human and inspect it in gristly detail. So, join Cappsy, Danny and Ian as they delve into the omnizone shambles, show you their appendectomy scars and publicly copulate in a marketplace.

Show notes

Brian Blessed biting through an umbilical cord
Correction: the media linked AC/DC to the Night Stalker, not the Zodiac Killer
"Carioca" refers to the culture of Rio de Janeiro, and is also a song and dance from the 1930s