Last Wine (2013, 96MB, 2:50 min) Anyone who has followed DVblog for any time at all will know how much we admire & value the work of Alan Sondheim. He commands a huge range of technique and tone in both … Continue reading →

Last Wine (2013, 96MB, 2:50 min)

Anyone who has followed DVblog for any time at all will know how much we

admire & value the work of Alan Sondheim.

He commands a huge range of technique and tone in both his writing and moving

image work. At one point of his compass there is the fiercely cerebral; at

another a rich humour & at yet another a sense of fellow feeling with, a

striving to understand some of our most puzzling and yet everyday feelings

and states of mind.

Things we’ve all encountered in relationships with family, friends and strangers.

This is a particularly moving piece, the more so because of its uncertainty of tone

– its enactment of the sad awkwardnesses of human interaction.