A mass coronavirus experiment, outrage over drugs tourists and pariah status for Belarus: this year's Eurovision Song Contest really had it all. Museums, bars and restaurants are set to open sooner now that coronavirus is on the wane, even in Rotterdam. In a landmark judgment, global super-polluter Shell is told it has an obligation under human rights law to stop climate change. While the coalition talks grind on at glacial speed, one cabinet minister signs off work with exhaustion, raising concern about politicians' workloads. And Amsterdam steps up its efforts to ban drugs tourists from the city, surprising some visitors who were unaware there was any other reason to be there.

- Twitter thread with photos of the new temporary Tweede Kamer Building - https://twitter.com/TvanGroningen/status/1397893602634866688

- Video of Italian guitarist "snorting coke" - https://twitter.com/Agronveliu97/status/1396238279754887168

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