Time doesn’t really exist. It’s something man created so that we can structure, prioritize, and calculate things we do.

Man has been using the concept of time to structure activities and create rituals forever, at minimum by observation of the sun, moon, and stars. It used to be something we used as a tool—something we ruled over.

Fast forward to today, and now we are the tools…and our time no longer belongs to us, we are slaves to it.

What changed? Time hasn’t changed, we’ve just found more things to deplete it with, and most of the things we spend time on add little to no value to our lives.

We’re very indulgent and self destructive with time, and today's episode is going to help you manage it better to have a healthy balance of success-driven activities and still some time to rest.


In This Episode:

Prioritize things that matter, eliminate what doesn't Increase your efficiency with a couple of easy tricks Improve your focus with a simple mind shift Create limits and boundaries Learn how to say no to things you shouldn't be spending time on, and requests from people that are detrimental to your mission