Nick chats with the cast of Bluebeard's Bride about the game - what surprised them, what they enjoyed, what was particularly scary. Tune in next week for the start of our Kids on Bikes series!

Dungeons and Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percival Hornak, and Nicholas Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.

Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DnDramaNerds, check out cast bios on our website,, and tune in next week for another episode of Dungeons and Drama Nerds!

Our Bluebeard’s Bride game features C. “Meaks” Meaker as the Groundskeeper, Gina Femia as the Virgin, Haleh Roshan as the Animus, Kory Flores as the Witch, and Romana Isabella as the Mother. Bluebeard’s Bride was written by Strix Beltrán, Marissa Kelly, and Sarah Doom, and published by Magpie Games.