This week, the Silver Cowls head to pick up an artifact from the Silver Nails and attempt to avoid the horde of Hollows outside the headquarters where they're making this score. When they meet their contact at The Mustang, they're in for a bit of a nasty surprise...

Dungeons + Drama Nerds is produced by Todd Brian Backus, Percival Hornak, and Nick Orvis, and is mixed and edited by Anthony Sertel Dean.

Find us on Twitter and Instagram @dndramanerds, and on Facebook at Dungeons and Drama Nerds. For cast bios, head to our website, 

Our Blades in the Dark campaign features Elliot Peterson as GM, T.P. Huth as Princess Mirena Alonda Gracielle Valerio of the Grayfire Line, Whitney Lehn Meltz as Wick, Nicholas Orvis as Milos Jeduin, Dex Phan as Gabe, and Ran Xia as Ellery Crow. Blades in the Dark was written by John Harper and published by Evil Hat Productions in association with One Seven Design.