The party has survived the trials of the Moonwalk and have traveled a GREAT distance in very little time to the quaint Elven port, Sansi village. The villagers welcomed them with open arms and everyone hugged and laughed and had a grand ol' time and nothing bad happened at all! Wait, no, sorry my mistake that doesn't happen, instead they arrive to find a dangerous Clan of Snake-people called Sibulans have the entire village hostage and it's up to the party to do what they do best! Stumble their way to glory!

There's a feisty old elf who's handling herself with some espionage action and a mage liquefaction. When the party divides to conquer both sides, they nearly misstep though a weapon Junk kept!

With Guest of Quest Andrew Mena!

--This Podcast is BEST in HEADPHONES!--

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Warning: DnDW plays in an extremely violent, war-torn, and uncivil world of fantasy. Those sensitive to certain scenarios should listen with caution.

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