Welcome back to DM-Nastics - the gym for Dungeon Masters to work out their minds! 
Content: This monstrous playable race we make should be at every table!

In the gym: DM Neal and James Introcaso
Tie Back Episode: 147: Monsters As Playable Races (feat. James Introcaso)
Forum Post: 121: Let's. Get. Monstrous!

Twitter: @dmnastics DM Neal's @joatmoniac 

Sly Flourish's Fantastic Locations
Rudy Baso
Don't Split the Podcast Network
Intro/Outro music
Music Created By : Dirty Protest
Song Title: Behind The Mask
Credit link: https://goo.gl/3OUjK4
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...


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