A future version of Natty appears and sends the crew into a real mystery. What is the 'everything that happened before everything happened'? Is Doodle Poodle a seer of the future? And - what is that odd smell?? Stay tuned as we dig in to the what not!

The Bumperpodcast is an oftentimes hilarious weekly romp around Headquarters, in Coffee-Can Alley, with Natty Bumpercar and his entire gaggle of pals!

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TranscriptBumperpodcast #388 Season 2
Well we would. What year is this place. What decade. I don't i don't. I'm very confused right now. Don't understand what's happening very leery. Everything is going very blurry who hi. I'm Aloysius j. pig who you haven't seen you in a lifetime. It's been so very very long. Wait a minute. I you Natty bubbas. It's me. I don osteen yelich show show old in your voice. Sounds on your friend and you kind of smell ovid funding and what. I always just. I was sitting in a cave. The bright lad flashed. I was here. i don't recognize this place. I recognized you. Of course. But i don't know when i am old. Okay so when you is is twenty. Twenty twenty twenty one twenty. What twenty twenty one. Twenty two hundred twenty one years you. You're we're still in age or accounting the us in one by one. Yeah ervin's of course we were gonna count the as i don't mean no same. Come from we count. The is based on quadra dramatic equation variable relations still understand with that we sell a bunch of gibberish and it sounded like you took the biggest words pop the squish them altogether to nine. Now you count us one by one. It's like twenty twenty twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three tetra. I twenty five twenty four. I don't know but you know what i'm saying. Like one zero one two one two one. That's one two one two one two. Guess you talking in code now. Have we every crossed that rubicon talking in code. Now now i ain't never cross no rubicon that is I always just counted awaited. I count one two one toe. One two set a fine foods. Twenty twenty one. Do you want some water. You have water stills his grasp we got one oh tweet from to sink from the test refrigerator still refrigeration and water in this time wonderful wonderful. I think i've i've made it back to where. I'm supposed to be back to where i can fix everything before. Everything happens. everything everything happened in. I ain't understand skew them everybody. It's myself and myself and myself. Mr rufus t rufus in charge and large and in the room. And say hello to you real soon. So i'm wondering Aloysius j. pig lou. Who just man is right over here. Who is he and why is he in here. What is he talking about fixing any way in any who and how rufus it's me it's not a bumper the future. I suppose i've been told. I was in a cave cave. There was a very bright light. And i can't breathe just talking to me. You have your own lawyer representation. Your lawyer from the future of hasn't were because he can't just come in here and start spouting and giving me words and spinning yong's and tell them stories because all of this can be used as a court of law. You understand sir after understand that you all my lawyer you were my lawyer before everything happened and then everything happened. you understand. You guided me up until you're very very end. What are you saying. Rufus rufus t rufus went to someway. I heard that as well. And i'm back in a way little bit here because i sounded a little bit like a threat that sounded a little bit aggressive. If you will. And i of course don't appreciate a man such a jew telling me anything about all as it were and i think it's all rufus you know. It's it's wonderful to hear your jibber-jabber. It's been so long it's been so lonely.