We know it's been a long wait, but the day has finally come. Subscribe. Review. Listen. Enjoy. Or don't. But mostly enjoy. 


Steve is late again. Typical Steve. Obligatory Fart Discussion of The Week: Future pills that allow you to customize your aroma.  Have you guys ever heard of Ramen noodles? Do you tear the beef sack properly? Ry-Guy makes bedroom noises. A depressed Steve joins us finally. We talk him off the ledge.  Will we soon see a The Rock/Kid Rock ticket on our ballots? Steve explores celebrity suicides. Steve and Thrasher tell the story of garnering national attention from their infamous Aaron Hernandez photoshoot.  We talk binge-worthy Netflix shows. Lebron, CP3, Carmelo, and D Wade in Houston with James Harden? Kyrie hates Lebron. Colin Kaepernick. Did you know Brett Favre could have taken steaming dumps on the 50 yard line and still would not have been blackballed from the NFL? Would You Rather? Again with the John Mellencamp sucking on a chili dog conversation. Ry Guy gets questionably racist.


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