It may not mean a bunch to you all, but for me, this is a miracle episode!!! Joey and Kurt recorded this a couple of weeks ago and then, because of a computer error, thought it was lost to a software crash. Then, after a deep dive into the files, we were able to extract this gem, saving it from the ashes and presenting it to you now! So enjoy this "missing" episode!

We discuss (and perform) a prostate exam, talk about our mutual Olympic fever and Curler jokes, Canadian Fetish Rap, Super Bowl results, Logan Paul, Rex Orange County concerts and finally, the history of Eugenics in America brought back to the headlines due to a criminal case where the judge asked the criminal to get sterilized. Find out about how early 1900's America inspired Hitler and what does it mean today?!

Please download, subscribe and review wherever you listen and share!

Love you all!

Kurt & Joey