Men have it hard. Society and history has dictated we need to be a certain way. We are taught from little boys to “tough it out” or to “man up”. Of course those ideas had a place in time and still do, but do they work for us as individuals?

Being unstoppable is about getting clear on what you are committed to. Are you committed to being “right” about something or are you committed to being happy? Look at your life… Men, what are your commitments around money, women, relationships, success, family, and more.

This week the Dudes peel back the layers of what’s holding men back from living their lives to the fullest.

The Dudes higher purpose is for everyone, and especially men, to ‘Leave Their Mark for The Good of All.’ Through transformational concepts, personal sharing, and playfulness the Dudes cover a wide range of topics to support disrupting the automatics we encounter personally and in our organizations, so we can be self expressed and live the lives we’ve always desired.

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