With the rising cost of higher education heading into the hundreds of thousands, has college become a luxury for the privileged? Is it fair to have kids graduating with crushing amounts of debt and bleak prospects in the job market? The effects are long term, causing cultural effects like less homeownership, less likelihood to start families and in some cases parents not having retirement money due to paying tuition for their kids.

Education needs to be disrupted and several politicians feel the same way, but it’s an uphill battle. This week the Dudes take a look at the current educational climate, and whether a degree as necessary now as it once was.

The Dudes higher purpose is for everyone, and especially men, to ‘Leave Their Mark for The Good of All.’ Through transformational concepts, personal sharing, and playfulness the Dudes cover a wide range of topics to support disrupting the automatics we encounter personally and in our organizations, so we can be self expressed and live the lives we’ve always desired.

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