“As you set out for Ithaka/ hope your road is a long one,/ full of adventure, full of discovery.” Ithaca poem – CP Cavafay

Coach Nick and the Dudes of Disruption explore the lessons learned from the recent completion of the Spartan Race. Coach Nick and his Dudes of Disruption Men’s Group completed the Spartan Race while also raising $23k for veterans in need through Operation Homefront.

“Ithaca” represents our goals at home and at work and the end results that we are desiring. The disruption that the podcast offers is around the importance of being present during the journey leading up to any “Ithaca.” The juice is in the experience and the journey and what comes up during that process versus the end result. The result is important obviously and what gets explored in the discussion is the importance of reflecting and noticing along the way to the goal/result – When we are focused on the journey versus the end goal, we are more likely to be present and to learn in the moment and be able to expand on what’s working and adjust real-time.

Music by Jason Misrahi

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