You can probably guess by the title of the episode that it’s just a lot of the same story for NYCFC, but we try and mix it up! It’s hard to go into detail about the past 2 matches because despite the results, the play on the field is very similar to the 5 matches prior. Many chances with little or no conversion. That’s NYCFC’s issue in the final stretch of the 2017 season and we’re just damn frustrated. In other news, Jack Harrison gets his call-up to the England U21 squad and we talk about what his accomplishment means

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You can probably guess by the title of the episode that it’s just a lot of the same story for NYCFC, but we try and mix it up!

It’s hard to go into detail about the past 2 matches because despite the results, the play on the field is very similar to the 5 matches prior. Many chances with little or no conversion. That’s NYCFC’s issue in the final stretch of the 2017 season and we’re just damn frustrated.

In other news, Jack Harrison gets his call-up to the England U21 squad and we talk about what his accomplishment means for him, his team and the league’s future.

Aside from that, we talk a little FIFA, babies playing soccer, and anything else to distract us from the sloppy performances from our beloved boys in blue.

Here’s the Facebook post Anthony was talking about in this week’s episode:

Wanna play FIFA 18 with the Dudes in Blue? Here’s our XBOX Live Gamertags:


Ant – bleedblue4389

You can also join our Club on XBOX, just search for Dudes in Blue.

Hope you guys have an awesome week and STAY BLUE!

The post Episode 77 – The Show Remains The Same appeared first on Dudes In Blue.