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Memorial Day Special Edition of the Dudes From Dallas.  President Trump makes an ass of himself on Twitter, which doesn't shock Rob Rotten.  A rich old man gets away with raping a five-year-old girl and the Dudes contemplate what they would do if they were the girl's father.  Nick Vicious gets his interview with Roman, the six year old saving animals with his mom and Project Freedom Ride.

Animals are an important part of so many people's lives and the Dudes want to highlight something positive in a world filled with negativity.  Jobs that attract psychopaths ... and guess what, media is on the list meaning you're listening to two potential psychos.  Rob Rotten talks about wanting a surgeon that will whip his junk out saying "I got this."  Keith Olbermann returning to ESPN ... again.  Nick and Rob share sports play by play stories.  

Devin Nunes busted in a winery drug prostitution ring, and Nick says it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.  Developers are looking to build a big ass ferris wheel south of downtown Dallas and the last thing we'd want to do is take a 38 minute ride in this summer heat.  In New York, a loser 30-year-old man is ordered by the court to move out of his parents' home.  Nick launches an anti-milk campaign and Rob goes on the attack against superfoods.  The Three Seashells from Demolition Man origin is revealed and it doesn't work like you would hope.  

Universal Studios planning a Star Trek land to rival Star Wars Land.  This week's great debate has the dudes sparring over who's the best Batman ... and Nick Vicious almost gets stabbed for saying George Clooney.  Rob breaks down some actresses who regret getting naked on screen.  What they don't realize is most of us are grateful for what they showed off.  Recess is being found to be great for developing better learning skills in children.  The show ends with a funny fail, a man gets caught driving a Ford Mustang with a number 3 written on the door.  

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