Hey all! I hope you are having a good week as rain pelts me here in Atlanta. As promised, we are starting a new once-monthly series with Daniel Suddes as a bonus run. The series dubbed Disremembered attempts to dissect the turbulent stories behind movies. This season (which will return if it gets good feedback)Read More

Hey all! I hope you are having a good week as rain pelts me here in Atlanta. As promised, we are starting a new once-monthly series with Daniel Suddes as a bonus run. The series dubbed Disremembered attempts to dissect the turbulent stories behind movies. This season (which will return if it gets good feedback) is on the rise and fall of one of the most interesting, powerful, and controversial people in film in recent decades Michael Eisner at Disney. Jon and I commentate while Daniel desperately tries to talk. Enjoy!

Please continue to rate and review us! We are on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcher, and now Spotify and could use the support; the more ratings you give the easier it is for others to find us. Also, do you follow us elsewhere? Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? Myopia? While on the facebook page why don’t you vote add to the list of movies we should do for this month, now that precocious kids is down!

Also, friend, do you like being part of comedies? One of Creative Loafing’s top ten comedy groups of 2018? Why then, friend, Cineprov is preforming not once, BUT TWICE, in the first week of October! Once at the Plaza and once at Monsterama, friend! I will be at the Monsterama show with Candace and Larry! Friend! Friend!

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