Earlier this month, the Giant Robot FM crew of Stephen Hero (@_stephen_hero) and pmcTRILOGY (@pmcTRILOGY), kindly asked Coop to join them in interviewing Adrian Lozano (@giantrobo) and Gwyn Campbell (@GwynCampbell) of Creative Sphere (@cresphe). These longtime Macross enthusiasts who have found themselves working with the brand professionally, share their many insights from the Japanese Macross Community and more importantly, their journey to getting Macross Plus: Movie Edition on American silver screens in December of 2021.

The GoFundMe supporting Kazutaka Miyatake:


Original Episode Link: https://anchor.fm/giantrobotfm/episodes/Giant-Robot-FM-6---Interview-w-Adrian-Lozano-and-Gwyn-Campbell-on-Macross-Plus-Movie-Edition-e1fg5pn/a-a7i2a28

For more Adrian, Gwyn, Creative Sphere:

Adrian's Twitter: https://twitter.com/giantrobo

Gwyn's Twitter: https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell

Creative Sphere's Twitter: https://twitter.com/cresphe

For more of our friends at the excellent Giant Robot FM:

Giant Robot FM: https://twitter.com/giantrobotfm

Stephen Hero: https://stephenhero.carrd.co/ 

pmcTRILOGY: https://streamerlinks.com/pmcTRILOGY

Giant Robot FM Theme by fretzl: https://twitter.com/fretzl

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