Nick created Candid for a personal reason. He needed to straighten his teeth but was presented with a market full of limited, outdated options. He wanted something more affordable that fit into his busy lifestyle.

Through his work with his Cheif Dental Officer, who has nearly thirty-five years of experience in the industry, Candid could provide something unique in the oral health space, a high-quality aligner with remote monitoring at a fraction of the cost. They set out to shake up an outdated industry and bring it into the present.

Nick talks about his experiences with Lyft and how that experience helped guide his first few years with Candid. From how to staff the initial team - what experts to bring in and why they wanted to start with the 10,15, 20-year experience executives - to when he knew it was time to expand the team.

One of the most exciting parts of this interview is how they signed Simone Biles as their spokesperson. Nick covers why she was the absolute perfect person for not only the brand but the audience serve, and his team.