Exightly - Don't Stop Christmas Now (Mariah Carey v Queen) Vixoria Drift - Killing In the Name of Christmas (Mariah Carey v Rage Against the Machine) SimGiant - All I Want is Underneath the Tree (Mariah Carey v Kelly Clarkson) William Maranci - All I Want is For Whom the Bells Tolls (Mariah Carey v Metallica) dj BC - Cold Chillin with Stevie (Stevie Wonder v Juice Crew Allstars v Harry Potter v Bob and Doug MacKenzie) Divide & Kreate - No Sleep Til Christmas (Beastie Boys v Wham) DJ J-Brew - Christmas in Brooklyn (Beastie Boys v RunDMC) MasDaMind - It Was a Good Frosty Day (Ice Cube v Jimmy Durante) Hot Couture - Let It Snow, LMFAO That Hustle - Ho Ho Ho Believer (Sia v Imagine Dragons) Voicedude - More Than a Christmas (Boston v Michael Buble) Tino - It's Last Christmas, Alright (Wham v Kendrick Lamar) Participation Certificate - Limp Christmas (Wham v Limp Bizkit) Divide & Kreate - Blitzkreig Santa (Jackson 5 v Ramones) Northern Lights - Miss the Snow in California (Ariana Grande v Katy Perry) Cupcake Mashie - Better December (Ariana Grande v Ariana Grande) DJ Cummerbund - Underneath the Mambo Tree (Santa No 5)