Wiebke and Zoe revisit George Carlin’s masterful standup routine where he calls out the seven WORST WORDS. It’s been a while since 1972; are those words all still terrible? Any fun newbies with which to horrify the upstanding citizens … Continue reading →

Wiebke and Zoe revisit George Carlin’s masterful standup routine where he calls out the seven WORST WORDS. It’s been a while since 1972; are those words all still terrible? Any fun newbies with which to horrify the upstanding citizens of YOUR small town?

This episode features rare, hard-to-find backstory which might give you some clues as to the mysterious inner workings of our intrepid heroes. We bring it all back to bad words, though. We’re fans of vulgarity. We like to end on high notes.

SUPER EXPLICIT – some adult listeners will probably be offended; definitely not for kids, and definitely NSFW unless you work at a really progressive brewery in Portland or something.