This weeks episode is a shorty, but a drunkie, and it's our FIRST EVER live Drunk on Lettering episode!! We were invited to Crop Confrence in Baton Rogue, LA to do a live episode on stage and we brought our buddy Adam Vicarelli with us to flip the script and interview us! Matt Dawson and Ashley Arseneaux Jones (aka @smallchalk) give sweet little intros for us and then we kinda get off the rails right away. Sorry for the rambling, slurring, interrupting, etc. etc. etc., being our first time drinking on stage we were nervous AF and drank quite a bit! But Adam Vicarel does a great job of raining us in and maintaining his composure! Overall we talk business, pricing, cheese, the usual things!

Crop is an amazing Confrence and we HIGHLY recommend it (or any of their pop up events) to anyone that's into design and lettering. We'll definitely be going to the next one!